Stay and Play Program Returns January 2025

We are excited to announce that the next session of our Stay and Play program will run from January 12 – March 28, 2025. On Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 – 4:30pm, children ages 0-5+ and their caregivers are invited to explore, play, and connect in the Co-op classrooms. There will be a drop-in fee of $10 per family which can be paid on arrival via Venmo or Paypal. Can’t wait to see you there!

Past Events

Corner Co-op Friendship Day: Old Friends and New Faces

Saturday, November 16 from 10am-12pm
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Saturday, April 6, 2024 from 10am – 2pm: Spring Fun Fair

Join us for a day of fun for kids of all ages: games, arts & crafts, face painting, a cakewalk, a silent auction, and more! Lunch will be available for purchase. Please join us for a magic show by Edraz at 1pm!

Corner Co-op Open House and Puppet Show

Saturday, October 14, 2023
10am – 1pm

Please join us for our OPEN HOUSE on Saturday, October 14, 2023. Take a tour of the classroom, meet our teachers, chat with current families, and get to experience the magic of the Co-op for yourself.

At 11am, we’ll be hosting a Puppet Show featured the wonderful Lindsay and Her Puppet Pals.

Corner Co-op Open House and Yard Sale

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Interested in learning more about the Corner Co-op and joining our community? Come to our OPEN HOUSE on Saturday, May 20, 2023. Take a tour of our classroom, meet our teachers and chat with current families, and experience the magic of the Co-op for yourself.

We will also be having a Corner Co-op Yard Sale! Come find new treasures for your family and support the Co-op in the process. We will have books, toys, games, costumes, and much more.

The Corner Co-op Fun Fair

Saturday, April 1, 2023
10am – 2pm
At the Corner Co-op, 1773 Beacon Street, Brookline

Please join us for the Corner Co-op Fun Fair! This treasured community event is back for the first time since 2019. There will be food, crafts, games, a silent auction, a puppet show, and much more! Admission (suggested donation for activities and puppet show) is $10 per child or $25 for a family of 3 children or more. For more information, please email [email protected].

How Children Grow:

Human Nature & The Purpose of Education

A Corner Co-op Family-Staff Education Workshop

A human being is a life-force, a living, learning, unfolding, organic process. This organic nature implies that, as with a plant, the seed of growth in a human being rests within the organism itself. Human beings are born to learn, to grow; and to grow to one’s fullest is a fundamental human need. How do we facilitate this process in the best possible way? We’ll discuss the topic while integrating some relevant issues—freedom, safety, responsibility, discipline, conflict resolution, structure and playing, as well as some challenges along the way. The format will be informal, voluntary and participatory. Please join the dialogue with your own thoughts, questions and ideas!

Date:   Thursday, January 19                                               Time:  8:00 – 9:00 PM ET

Zoom link to join:

Meeting ID: 837 0253 4288 Passcode: 587101

Facilitated by Rosie and Sajed Kamal

Rosie Kamal, EdD, was the Teacher-Director at the Co-op for 36 years. Sajed Kamal, EdD, was the Teacher Consultant at the Co-op for 32 years. They’re parents of Co-op alumnus Ashok Kamal.

Sajed has also taught courses in child psychology, childhood education and human development at Northeastern University and Boston University. Author of a dozen books on various subjects, his forthcoming books include, Human Being, Not a Humaton!: Revolutionizing Education Through Dialogue

 “All the evidence that we have indicates that it is reasonable to assume in practically every human being, and certainly in almost every newborn baby, that there is an active will toward health, an impulse toward growth, or toward the actualization of human potentialities.” Abraham Maslow


Boston Area Preschool Fair

Saturday, November 19, 10am-12pm

Saturday, October 1


in Waldstein Park off Beacon Street at Dean Road

next to Corner Co-op Nursery School

Outdoor Puppet Show:

Lindsay and her Puppet Pals

Year-round, Lindsay brings her larger-than-life Puppet Pals to child and family audiences across New England. Filled with silliness, active audience engagement, and memorable characters, this series of charming short stories will delight the young and the young at heart! Ideal for ages 3-8.

also Outdoor Activities

and Tours of Corner Co-op:

10-11am and 12-1pm

Come one, come all – open to the public

12-1    Tour the Corner Co-op.   Have a slice!  Meet & mingle with alumni and current Co-opers

 1-2      Welcome:  Gratitude, Honoring, Remembering

                     hosted by Beth,  Susan Linn & Audrey Duck

​ 2-2:45   A sing-along with Rosie, of course!  Craft activities

​ 2:45      Rainbow Cupcake Time!

​ 3:15      Piñata, with Sajed!

​ 4:00      In the Corner Co-op tradition…  “Clean up, clean up!” Thank you!

Co-op 50-Year History

Fifty years ago, a group of All Saints Parish parents, whose children would be three years old in the fall of 1972, founded a nursery school at the church.  Grace Price, the wife of assistant rector Darwin Price, suggested a cooperative nursery school.  Five families (Lois and Larry Caporal, Mary and Hugh Dunlap, Jodi and Nat Gorton, Emily and Kon-Taik Khaw, and Vicki and Bob Sharpley) enthusiastically embraced this idea.  With permission from the vestry, they incorporated as a non-profit, wrote by-laws, built furniture, hired the Co-op’s first teacher-director, Kathy Beers, and recruited 15 families to participate in the cooperative.  Because All Saints is at the corner of Beacon Street and Dean Road, the new entity became the Corner Co-op Nursery School.  Since its opening in September 1972, the Co-op has been a welcoming, inclusive, non-sectarian community serving families from around the world.

Now, in 2022, we are deeply grateful to the original All Saints families and to the congregation as we celebrate the fiftieth year of the Co-op!  We express our heartfelt gratitude for the support of the late Rev. Louis Pitt, rector in 1972.  We also acknowledge the continuing support of succeeding rectors:  Christian Koch, David Chandler-Ward, Nathaniel Pierce, John Keggi, David Killian, Sarah Connor, and Richard Burden.  Many parishioners, some of whom were/are vestry and and other committees members, have provided ongoing support to the Co-op.  During the years of the pandemic, the Rev. Burden, Roberta Schnoor, and Charlie Rigg worked with Beth Mahar, current teacher-director, and the Co-op board to navigate the challenges of running the Co-op during COVID.  Last, but not least, Renato Dantas, sexton of All Saints, has been, and continues to be, a dearly valued helper to the Co-op.

Sadly, Grace Price and Lois and Larry Caporal have passed away.  We gratefully remember Grace’s vision and the dedication of the Caporals and the other original families in creating the Corner Co-op.

Join us as we celebrate our 50th Anniversary Reunion on 18 June—12 noon to 4 pm.   At 1:00  pm, there will be a Welcome-Gratitude-Honoring-Remembering.  Please visit our website for more information, and click the link for the reunion at

Wishing you all the best,

Rosie Kamal, retired Teacher-Director (1981-2020)

Sajed Kamal, retired Teacher-Consultant (1986-2020)


June 2021 Sing-along with Rosie & Sajed will be Goodbye Songs

May 2021 Sing-along with Rosie & Sajed will be Songs of Summer

April 2021 Sing-along with Rosie & Sajed will be Silly Songs

March 2021 Sing-along with Rosie & Sajed will be Songs of Spring

February 2021 Sing-along with Rosie & SajedSongs of Love

January 2021 Sing-along with Rosie & Sajed: Peace, Light & Friendship